Monday, February 16, 2009


Pretty much stressed with all different things, I don't even know how or where to start with it. Volleyball has pretty much made a big turn in my life as of what happend in San Jose this past weekend. I just got back from San Jose, today. I felt like blogging about it, but I'm pretty tired right now, and there's just too much to blog about that happend. I'll blog later tomorrow, if I can remember to. I just really need time to myself, right now.. Seriously. I can act mature, but you guys won't let me show you that I can. I want to fit in. I went to San Jose to PLAY FREAKING VOLLEYBALL, and to have fun, not to be yelled at by my own teammates when I do something wrong. I seriously don't do anything wrong ALOT, it's them that do stuff wrong alot and thier yelling at me? Seriously now, come on. Setters are supposed to be the team leader, I'm 14 playing on a 16's team, I feel like I'm treated like I can't yell at them, but yet they can yell at me, because thier older than I am. I don't think it's fair at all. I think, there's only a few people, on that team that really understand what I'm going through with them right now, but for the rest of the team..I don't think they understand anything that's happening and what i feel about the whole situation that's going on..I seriously am seriously thinking about quitting the whole season as of right now.I can't take it anymore. This IS the end.

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